A Sign That You Might Need to Change Your Mindset

A Sign That You Might Need to Change Your Mindset

My belief that entrepreneurship (and getting to our goals generally) is a mixture of skillset (including toolset), mindset and reflection. I define skillset as things we do, while mindset is attitudes, how we think and specifically how we think about what we think.

For me, one of the key signs that my mindset is not serving me is a combination of beating myself up more than usual, information overload and that hopeless-going-around-in-circles-out-of-control feeling.

This is the point where what I’m doing isn’t the issue, so working harder, more information, another book, course, consultant, video won’t fix things – in fact it makes it worse.

The issue is how I’m thinking about what I’m thinking: the internal filter I’m looking at situations through and the values and beliefs I am embodying.

An example is this: “I wish I could raise my rates but there’s a ceiling on fees for my services”. This person was going around in circles trying to solve this problem and getting nowhere. She was frustrated and self-criticising because she was otherwise really successful and was beating herself up over not being able to move forward.

How to raise rates and up-sell clients is a skillset and she wasn’t lacking in skills.

But she was working really hard trying to solve the WRONG problem. The real problem was her BELIEF that there is a ceiling on rates for her services.And that is mindset.

Once she could see how she was thinking about what she was thinking, the problem just disappeared. There is no ceiling.

Now the issue becomes what can she add to her services or how can she differentiate herself from others that justifies a higher rate? She was off again; energy high, being effective and powering through the actions to achieve this end.

About NeilLawson

Over the last 10 years I have changed my career twice, my relationship and my home. I’ve changed my entire life. I have also come to terms with the old trauma and made great strides to recover myself and regain connection with my emotions. I know all about life transformation – from the sharp end – and I can show you how to make changes in your life too; whether that’s to feel more confident, change your job, career, life, relationship, achieve goals …

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