Showing 11 Result(s)


Coaching is an immensely powerful means of self-transformation and growth. An expert coach is obviously necessary, but so is a great client. If someone is not willing or able to be coached, the outcome is very difficult to achieve. Here is what I define as being a great client: But hereโ€™s what I know for …

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The world’s people are in peril. We no doubt live in a noisy, numb, narcissistic age. The talents and attentions of the majority are not invested in personal mastery and social responsibility but squandered on games, voyeurism, and base sensationalism. We have recklessly abandoned what truly matters – the striving to be great as individuals …

AI and about being more human

I just posted a poll on LinkedIn asking whether you support AI and itโ€™s full steam ahead for you or whether you have concerns and would rather we paused for a while to get some ducks in order. Maybe regulation, maybe ownership, maybe a vote in how, when and where AI is implemented. But while …

common sense

UK: Should Policy Proposals meet a “common sense” check?

In the UK Prime-Ministerial election discussions, one candidate – Liz Truss – has proposed cutting the pay of public sector employees (including civil servants, teachers and nurses) outside London. The figure suggested is a saving of ยฃ11 bn ($13.4 bn) (see the original article here: Set aside the party politics and the individuals vying …

A Sign That You Might Need to Change Your Mindset

A Sign That You Might Need to Change Your Mindset My belief that entrepreneurship (and getting to our goals generally) is a mixture of skillset (including toolset), mindset and reflection. I define skillset as things we do, while mindset is attitudes, how we think and specifically how we think about what we think. For me, …