* NEW: Career and Life Assessment Tool

A simple to use tool to uncover your current situation, what could be possible for you and the steps to get there. Then book a free and take action immediately.

There are often what I call ‘domino’ areas in your life. These have a knock-on effect on others, like knocking the first domino down, they knock down others too. Check out these articles on what these common areas are and how improving them can make a significant impact on your whole life.

Wheel of Life

This is a fun exercise which quickly shows you an overview of how well balanced and fulfilled your life is. In 2 minutes you will see the areas of your life which are amazing and those that need a bit of work to improve on. Try the Wheel of Life for free now.

3 Big Mistakes of Work-Life Balance

I have made all 3 of these mistakes myself. A super-practical This PDF Download describes these mistakes so you can avoid making them yourself and begin crafting an awesome working life balance now.


Resilience is your ability to adapt to what happens to you. Whatever your current level of resilience, you can learn skills to become more resilient.
This PDF Download will help you to build your own ability to cope with difficulties even further.

Resilience Course

Morning Routine Course

Morning Routine

The Morning Routine is a powerful tool to ensure that you start your day best for you with more energy, love and focus to pay forward to others, including your work. This PDF Download will empower you to create your own and keep it fresh.

Serving widely is a big part of my mission and these resources are my gift for you to support you in your journey. I hope they serve you as well as they have served me.

If you like these ideas and have some questions, or you’ve tried to implement them and not had success yet, please give me a call. I work with people just like you and I keep time in my calendar for conversations just like this. I promise this won’t be a sales call.