I have a mission.  It’s huge.  I have not spoken openly about this because I have been wanting to get the i’s dotted and the t’s crossed and all the details sorted out.  Which of course is code for procrastinate.  So I want to start writing about my mission just as it is now.

It’s time for this to see the light.  And be seen.

I have a mission and it’s this: I want to completely revamp how business is done globally.  Starting with individual business owners and professionals, I want to empower people in business to change how they work and live so that their lives are sustainable, positive and fun.  And – as a result of working with these people – to create a movement of leaders who agree with this new way of being and will help me to change the business world forever.

I know it is possible to create a life with all the professional satisfaction and achievement but in a way that supports us personally and professionally and allows us time to enjoy time with our family, with our partner with their children, and to actually have a life to have hobbies and interests.

And have fun times.

It is possible. But the modern way of business, the modern way of working, does not create that by default. You have to have your own set of rules, your own intentions and you have to make those real in the world.  You have to take responsibility for how you want to be and push back on a manoeuvre the business so that you can achieve that.

I have done it and I coach people who do it. Business owners, corporate professionals, people in education, and you don’t have to leave your job in order to do it. Some do, but you don’t have to.

I suspect that we all know that the pace we are going at is not sustainable.  Sooner or later you will crash, it is only a matter of when.  And business encourages – demands even – that we move, work and live at this pace.  It is normal.  It is “just what you have to do”.

But if the pace is unsustainable, people eventually break.  Not only do those individuals suffer, but their families, children, households and communities suffer.  The healthcare system has to pick up the pieces.  And meanwhile, the corporate juggernaut thunders down the road with different people now peddling like fury to keep the pace up.  Or even to go faster.

I am not anti-capitalist.  Far from it, I believe capitalism is the only viable system by which humans can have a great quality of life.  But the way capitalism runs is incredibly damaging for many people.  I believe that is wrong and should be changed.

So, in short, that is my mission – to change the way business happens.

And – while I’m on that mission – to change the lives of individual people working within their own business or as professionals and leaders in others’ businesses for the better.

About NeilLawson

Over the last 10 years I have changed my career twice, my relationship and my home. I’ve changed my entire life. I have also come to terms with the old trauma and made great strides to recover myself and regain connection with my emotions. I know all about life transformation – from the sharp end – and I can show you how to make changes in your life too; whether that’s to feel more confident, change your job, career, life, relationship, achieve goals …