Maslow’s Hierarchy (or basics first)

What this says is that – as humans – we need to build from the bottom of the pyramid upwards. This means that our physical needs, security and belonging must be established before we are able to consider “higher” needs such as status, recognition and our own personal contribution.

Okay – nice theory … So what?

Well, the so-what is this: in order to be successful creating the higher levels, the lower levels – the foundations – must be firmly established first.

Many business owners – especially when they start out – dive straight into looking for their business to deliver their highest purpose on Earth and to offer them recognition and self-esteem.

Which seems fine in principle, but it’s not realistic, because the business is new, maybe not making much (or any) profit and the income is needed to pay bills and put food on the table for the family. These basic needs for home, food, heat etc. are in the foundation levels.

Trying to work on the upper levels before the basics are in place is massively more difficult than building those once the business is in profit. Not impossible, but much more challenging.

Some people are motivated and driven by the need to get the business running so that the money is guaranteed, but many are paralysed by a lack of secure foundations.

This is such a shame because many people come to believe that there is something wrong with them because “they can’t make it work” when in fact they are simply trying to run before they can even stand, let alone walk.

Here’s my thoughts on how this can be done taking Maslow into account:

  • Have time (i.e. money, savings) behind you before you start. Keeping your day job allows you to learn and build your business over time because all your basic financial needs are met from the salary. This take a load of pressure off. If you have savings, you can live off those for sure, but the “ticking clock” of the savings running out doesn’t work for some people …
  • Get the business profitable as quickly as possible. This does several things: it feels amazing for a start! To have created a business that you make money from is awesome and a huge boost to your self-confidence (in a higher layer of the Maslow’s triangle).
  • Build your highest mission on top of that once the fundamentals are in place. You might be able to wing-walk into your business by going part time at your job; this frees up time to delve into your mission. You can supplement your income from the new business for example, or invest the profit in developing your mission further.

About NeilLawson

Over the last 10 years I have changed my career twice, my relationship and my home. I’ve changed my entire life. I have also come to terms with the old trauma and made great strides to recover myself and regain connection with my emotions. I know all about life transformation – from the sharp end – and I can show you how to make changes in your life too; whether that’s to feel more confident, change your job, career, life, relationship, achieve goals …

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