common sense

UK: Should Policy Proposals meet a “common sense” check?

In the UK Prime-Ministerial election discussions, one candidate – Liz Truss – has proposed cutting the pay of public sector employees (including civil servants, teachers and nurses) outside London. The figure suggested is a saving of £11 bn ($13.4 bn) (see the original article here:

Set aside the party politics and the individuals vying for the top UK political job – does this proposal pass a common sense test? I don’t know the financial figures behind this proposal – but does this look like the move of a political leader who has the interests of ordinary citizens at heart?

Are we saying that as the only viable solution to balance the books is to pay people in important public services less?

Have other options been ruled out because they adversely affect powerful and influencial people with the ear of the politicians and that this is the “best of what is left” once “all the proposals that will upset party donors” have been taken off the table?

As it happens, it looks like a backlash from her own party has forced a rapid u-trun. But surely any national political and financial system needs to operate for the benefit of the majority? How did this proposal even get onto the shortlist, let alone make its way to the very top?

What happens to society if moves like this come into effect and this trend continues? Do countries further divide into the haves and the have-nots, with few moving further into luxury while the many sink into deeper financial and social difficulty?

What hope does this give that in future the majority will be at least protected from harm and taken into consideration in high-level decisions that directly affect them?

I have a feeling that many feel it doesn’t. I have a feeling that a great and silent many feel that the status quo does not represent them very much, if at all. I have a feeling that many are feeling like they have a target painted on their backs and it’s only a matter of time before something strikes them.

I have a group in Facebook which is designed to enable the slient many to answer one simple question – whether you feel the way that humankind is going along (globally, ot just nationally) is sustainable or not. There are obviously many ways to interpret this, but the question is intentionally simple: “Can humankind continue as it is” or are changes necessary?

At this time, no solutions are proposed in this group and that is deliberate. My intention is to gather the voices of the silent many in a clear statement with a simple yes or no response.

Your vote – whichever way you feel appropriate – is needed so that we can hear from the many. Please also share this group with as many as possible.

Find the group here:

About NeilLawson

Over the last 10 years I have changed my career twice, my relationship and my home. I’ve changed my entire life. I have also come to terms with the old trauma and made great strides to recover myself and regain connection with my emotions. I know all about life transformation – from the sharp end – and I can show you how to make changes in your life too; whether that’s to feel more confident, change your job, career, life, relationship, achieve goals …