finger pointing

We have to take a stand for something different

I don’t follow the news much, but I can’t help noticing the coverage of the Prime Ministerial elections here in the UK. They have become personal. It didn’t take long at all.

In my view, this is one of the problems with the status quo (which is what I call “the system”). By making issues personal, the weight of the issue is reduced and all sorts of tactics become legitimate. Whilst I can see that the integrity of the proposer of an idea may be something to look at, that doesn’t alter the value of the proposal.

I suspect that making issues personal is a technique for undermining the issue itself and not a reasonable measure to ensure that proposals are valuable.

In my view – as we move forwards towards a different way of being – we have an opportunity and an obligation to keep personalities out of discussions about the issues.

About NeilLawson

Over the last 10 years I have changed my career twice, my relationship and my home. I’ve changed my entire life. I have also come to terms with the old trauma and made great strides to recover myself and regain connection with my emotions. I know all about life transformation – from the sharp end – and I can show you how to make changes in your life too; whether that’s to feel more confident, change your job, career, life, relationship, achieve goals …