Try this free activity

The Wheel of Life is a simple, easy to do view of how satisfied you are right now with your life. It’s fun, quick and intuitive.

If your wheel is balanced, it’ll roll well, but if one or more areas is out of kilter, life will feel more difficult than necessary.

This simple activity gives you a clue as to where you make changes.

Try this yourself …

About NeilLawson

Over the last 10 years I have changed my career twice, my relationship and my home. I’ve changed my entire life. I have also come to terms with the old trauma and made great strides to recover myself and regain connection with my emotions. I know all about life transformation – from the sharp end – and I can show you how to make changes in your life too; whether that’s to feel more confident, change your job, career, life, relationship, achieve goals …

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