I am a firm believer in coaching as a means of growth and dealing with the challenges we face. It’s all very well reading the latest guru’s book and applying their strategies – that works for some – but not for all. The reality is that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to doing anything in life; we are all different.

What coaching does is to ensure you find YOUR way to accomplish your dreams and make sure you can continue that journey alone into the future.

I am also a firm believer that coaching should be simple and accessible to as many people as possible. So there are just two ways of working with me:

  • In-depth 1:1 Coaching for 6 months
  • Unlimited laser Coaching for 12 months

In-Depth 1:1 Coaching for 6 months

We typically have a call every week to dig into what you want and the issues that crop up as you work towards that. Between calls you have unlimited access to me to ask questions, share experiences and challenges and discuss what’s next.

This is for you if you need or want an immersive experience of coaching. This package runs for a minimum of 6 months because it takes that long to make lasting change.

Think of this as having a personal trainer; all the tools, plus personalised motivation and encouragement to achieve your goals.

Unlimited Laser Coaching for 6 months

We have an initial 45-minute call to agree your goals, then you book 15-minute laser-coaching calls with me whenever you want to. On each call we agree actions and homeplay, you work on those and then book another call once you’re done.

This works great for people who:

  • Want or need a longer period of accountability
  • Have an idea of what they want to achieve or have several projects they want to progress
  • Have a limited budget or want to try coaching out

Should you decide that you want to upgrade to 1:1 coaching, I will subtract the investment you’ve made in the laser-coaching from the rate for the 1:1 package.

This is like a gym membership: all the tools are there and you can get as much support as you need.